Girl To Goddess | Nishi Jagavat | Poetry | Book Review

Book Info

Name of Book :  Girl to Goddess
Author :  Nishi Jagavat
Publisher :  Penguin eBury Press
Publication Date :  17 April 2023
No. of Pages :  294
Format :  DRC

Why did I choose the book ?

Girl to Goddess by Nishi Jagavat was offered in exchange of an honest review as a part of the tour. And, today is my turn to post review for the same.

Where to get the book ?

Girl to Goddess by Nishi Jagavat is available on Amazon :

Author Introduction

Nishi is a poetess, spoken-word artist and a content creator on a mission to help people find their inner voice. She believes that we’re all hidden goddesses and angels who’ve forgotten our self-worth. To help people discover their true self, Nishi started voicing her realizations on Instagram under the pen name goddesswrites.


Girl to Goddess is a book of poetry written by popular Instagram poet Nishi. The poems in the book are deeply personal, touching on universal themes of struggle, pain and healing. Nishi writes candidly about her own struggles with finding happiness, dealing with relationships and the challenges she faced on her journey towards self-acceptance and self-love. She explores the idea of finding the inner divinity, or the goddess within, and how listening to this voice helped her find a sense of peace and purpose. She shares her personal journey of self-discovery and growth.

Through this collection of insightful poems, Nishi takes the reader on a journey of mistakes, failures, fears, lessons, perspectives and realizations about life, love and everything in between. She shares her vulnerabilities and opens up about her deepest emotions. Her words inspire readers to look inwards and embrace their own inner divinity, encouraging them to find their own path towards healing and self-love.

My Opinion

Girl to Goddess takes readers on a self-discovery journey through poetry. Nishi's verses bring human suffering, healing, and success to life with each page. This book shows how poetry may reveal our spirits, encouraging us to regain our power, overcome our fears, and embrace our divinity.

Nishi's remarks affirm that we can overcome any challenge and write our own stories. Her poem's passionate sentences imprint this revelation on the reader. It encourages reclaiming personal authority, embracing one's fullness, and self-love and empowerment.

This verse illustrates reflection and self-belief's transformational power in Nishi's poetry. It challenges us to examine our fears and recover our power. These deep words remind us that we control our fate and genuine power comes from within.


  • Recommendation --------------------- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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