Rahi | Snigdha Jha | Fantasy | Book Review


Book Info

Name of Book : Rahi
Author : Snigdha Jha
Publisher : Self Published
Publication Date : 18 June 2023
No. of Pages : 192
Format : DRC

Why did I choose the book ?

Rahi by Snigdha Jha was offered in exchange of an honest review. And, today is my turn to post for the same.

Where to get the book ?

Rahi by Snigdha Jha is available on Amazon :

Author Introduction

Since I was a child, I've always believed in a world that goes beyond what we can see. I've had this unwavering faith in the existence of fantastical creatures, life on distant planets, and even mysterious beings right here with us. With my wild imagination and a deep love for the arts, I've tried every possible way to express my creativity.

Writing has been an essential part of my journey, allowing me to give form to the intangible ideas and worlds inside my mind. I would write in my journal, create songs, poems, and short stories, not just for myself, but also to entertain those around me.

But as I got older, my writing took a different turn. It became more about work and less about the pure joy it once brought me. I lost touch with the little girl who used to find solace in writing to express her creativity. However, there came a point in my life when I faced profound questions about the meaning of it all. Writing became my way of grappling with the countless thoughts swirling in my mind. And in that process, I rediscovered a part of myself that had been missing for nearly a decade.

Since then, I've made a promise to myself to hold onto that part of me and to keep writing, using it as a means to share the world that exists within me with the world outside.


Discover the enchanting journey of Aaliyah, whose ordinary life takes an extraordinary turn in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. In a spontaneous decision fueled by the call of adventure, Aaliyah joins her five friends on a trip of a lifetime.

As their group ventures into the mystical depths of the Amazon, strange occurrences set the stage for a life-altering encounter. Lost in the forest, Aaliyah finds herself face to face with a mysterious creature that defies her expectations. Instead of becoming its prey, she discovers an unexpected guardian, a being with a kind heart and a deep connection to the forest.

Guided by this enigmatic creature, Aaliyah embarks on a captivating journey through the rainforest's secrets. In a realm where the forest speaks through thoughts and ethereal beings dwell, she uncovers a vibrant and harmonious community unlike anything she's ever imagined. Along this path of self-discovery, she learns to love herself and embraces the profound bond she shares with the creature.

However, a choice awaits her-a choice that challenges her desire for the familiar comforts of her old life. As Aaliyah stands at the crossroads between the extraordinary and the ordinary, she must decide between embracing her true self or returning to the world she once knew. Will she choose the safety of her old life, or will she embrace the unknown and follow her heart into the mystical depths of the Amazon?

My Opinion

Rahi by Snigdha Jha is a mesmerizing fantasy book which takes you to the jungles of Amazon. Aaliyah, our protagonist, with her friends makes a trip to this far away land for self discovery. The plot creates an atmosphere around us. You are going to definitely feel the voices of the jungle around you while reading it. The plot is medium paced and becomes interesting only after halfway of the book. I would like to praise the author for her beautiful writing style. It was like the jungle came alive. The book is definitely worth a one time read. A very short read, good for beginners.


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