Second Chance Offered | Hemangi Merchant Toprani | Romance | Book Review


Book Info

Name of Book : Second Chance Offered
Author : Hemangi Merchant Toprani
Publisher : Saga
Publication Date : 19 April 2023
No. of Pages : 195
Format : DRC

Why did I choose the book ?

Second Chance Offered by Hemangi Merchant Toprani was offered in exchange of an honest review. And, today is my turn to post for the same.

Where to get the book ?

Second Chance Offered by Hemangi Merchant Toprani is available on Amazon :

Author Introduction

Hemangi, an avid reader whom you would never see without a book in hand, is a native of Mumbai, India, and is an introvert by nature, teacher by profession and writer by love, having started writing since the past few years, discovering a new, sudden love for it. She is a firm believer in happily ever after, fiction being that window of escape that everyone requires at some point of time in life!


At thirty-eight, Margaret Hill was set in her routine life. Married to her high school sweetheart, mother of one and grandmom-to-be, her days were filled with grocery runs, errands and ensuring that everyone in the house was fed. But when ugly truths about her marriage come to light, her happily-ever-after comes crashing down.

Now, after twenty years, Margo finds herself single and unsure of who she is. Emboldened by her best friend Kathleen and daughter Anna, Margaret decides to embark go on a solo Europe trip. The last thing she expects is for another person to be added to her solo adventure. But it’s not just someone new she just met, it’s someone she has a history with—two decades worth of history.

The years have been easy on Richard Dale, and it's like no time has passed. He's caring, understanding, respectful, and a valuable friend to Margo. He's also easy on the eyes, so that's a nice bonus! Falling in love with him would be the easiest thing Margo ever had to do.

But she's just leaving the deep trenches after a tumultuous marriage and a long-term relationship is the last thing on her mind. Margaret tries to keep Richard at an arm's length, but falling in love is not something you can control, is it?

My Opinion

Second Chance Offered by Hemangi Merchant Toprani is a beautiful and cute love story all about giving your life a second chance. Margaret and Richard's love story is too cute to handle. Margaret is strong willed and confident, travelling to Paris alone. The plot picks in an instant and interest sparks. And, when she meets Richard, the story is more interesting. I, literally had my fingers crossed for their relationship to be successful. The climax was good and satisfying. Definitely, the book deserves 5 stars. Thanks to the author for providing me with an opportunity to read and review the book.


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