Almost Love | Saikat Baksi | Romance | Book Review


Book Info

Name of Book : Almost Love
Author : Saikat Baksi
Publisher : Leadstart Corp
Publication Date : 6 Oct 2023
No. of Pages : 179
Format : DRC

Why did I choose the book ?

Almost Love by Saikat Baksi was offered in exchange of an honest review. And, today is my turn to post for the same.

Where to get the book ?

Almost Love by Saikat Baksi is available on Amazon :

Author Introduction

Saikat Baksi is an artist, an art critic, and bestselling author of English Fiction. ‘Almost Love’ is his seventh novel. As an artist himself, he explores the mysterious alleys of the lives of classic and contemporary artists. Saikat enjoys being in the thick of things within the circle of emerging artists. He talks about the curious aspects of art history in his popular podcast, ‘Art Beyond Canvas’. He lives in Pune.


Artist Neil Ray’s muse vanishes in a blink, leaving him clueless. He sinks into a black void, unable to do anything but wallow in the agony of unrequited longing. His dealer urges him to pick up his brush once more, but Neil has turned into a ghost of his yester years. He simply cannot paint anymore.

And then, someone wants to buy a complementary version of one of his old paintings. An inverted image. In a flash, Neil envisions how to settle the equation by exacting a fitting revenge against his lost muse. He will not perish. He will be reborn. Be it at the cost of an apocalypse!

Events begin to unfold under the dark shadows of art, sex, black money and vengeance…

My Opinion

Almost Love by Saikat Baksi is not a common and usual love story. It reflects human emotions and issues thorugh each character. The plot has a slow start where the main focus is on Neil. But as soon as Palki's character enters the scene the story takes a steep turn. After that I could not put the book down. But, as I already mentioned it is not a common teenage love story. You can enjoy this book only if you are ready to dive in a dark world. The author has very carefully woven Neil's character where we can see his emotional state very closely. Some scenes of domestic violence will spice up your curiosity in the book.

In other words, you will not just read the book but live with it. After finishing it, you are going to think about it for days. I am really amazed by the author's vivid imagination while weaving the plot. It has no loopholes to criticize. This book tells us that love is not only for teenagers but it can touch you at any age. For me the book is a feeling, an emotion. Definitely, the book deserves 5 stars.


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