Friendship to Forevership | Museum Piece Writings | Romance | Paperback Book Review


Book Info

Name of Book : Friendship to Forevership
Author : Museum Piece Writings
Publisher : Bluerose Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
Publication Date : 17 Sept 2023
No. of Pages : 240
Format : DRC

Why did I choose the book ?

Friendship to Forevership by Museum Piece Writings was offered in exchange of an honest review. And, today is my turn to post for the same.

Where to get the book ?

Friendship to Forevership by Museum Piece Writings is available on Amazon :



‘Friendship to Forevership’ talks about a small but prominent chapter that changes the course of Varna and Subhash’s Love and life story. It shows Varna’s blind trust in her love and the belief that she places in her gut feeling when it comes to Subhash. It also talks about how a person’s love towards someone can change their entire perspective towards life and create a beautiful path for both of them to walk on.

My Opinion

A Friends to Lovers Tale Worth Savoring

Friendship to Forevership by Museum Piece Writings is an enchanting tale of Subhash and Varna. The story starts with a simple plot which naturally spikes interest in the reader. Although, I am not a teenager any more but, while reading the book I could not resist myself from smiling with every page. Subhash and Varna lived inside everyone of us at some point in our life. The characters felt so relatable that I read the book in one sweep. The only thing which could not satisfy me was that climax. I felt it was a little bit rushed. It could have been much better with a few more incidents or twists. Otherwise, the book is very entertaining, fast paced and lovable characters.

The author's writing style is simple and natural which is perfect for a beginner. It is my first time reading a book written by the author and, indeed she has done a commendable work. And, I must mention this that you are going to find a lot of cute and emotional moments in the book. This book touches your heart and soul and gives a new perspective to show love to our partners. The book definitely deserves 4 stars and thanks to the author for providing me with an opportunity to read and review the book.


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