Book Info
Name of Book : The Rift
Author : Seth C Adams
Publisher : Flame Tree press
Publication Date : 10 Oct 2023
No. of Pages : 208
Format : Netgalley DRC
Why did I choose the book ?
The Rift by Seth C Adams was offered by Random Things Tours in exchange of an honest review. And, today is my turn to post review on account of this blog tour.
Where to get the book ?
The Rift by Seth C Adams is available on Amazon :
Author Introduction
Raised by parents who inexplicably thought it okay to give their son free rein of the public library at the tender age of ten, Seth C. Adams knew he wanted to be a writer early on. A fan of Marvel comics, sci-fi, fantasy, and horror fiction, The Twilight Zone, Star Trek, and other genre entertainment, he splits the majority of his time – often with difficulty – between reading novels and producing his own. Also an avid gamer, Adams at times has to tear himself away from RPGs or MMOs, reminding himself how he makes a living and what pays the bills. With a Bachelor's in anthropology from the University of California, Riverside, and a Master's in North American History from Arizona State University, as an adult he's learned that real life is indeed stranger – and more terrifying – than fiction, especially having spent six years as a bookseller!
Joe Jimenez, grieving father and estranged husband, on the eve of the anniversary of his son's death is on the brink of complete despair when he witnesses the arrival of a strange atmospheric anomaly. The rift – a curious tear in the very air of his backyard – appears nightly, and after some experimentation, Joe discovers that for everything that's sent through the rift, something similar, but horribly wrong, comes back. And when something on the other side claims to be in possession of his son, Joe has to make the most important decision of his life: should he go through and find out?
My Opinion
The Rift by Seth C Adams brings to you a marvelous science fiction that thrills you and excites you till the end. At first, the story felt like horror but eventually the plot changed its course. I really liked the concept of The Rift that opens and shuts after a regular intervals. With each page , my excitement and curiosity reached grew more and more in anticipation. Joe's character is of a grieving father, but changes as the plot advances. The mystery deepens when the anomaly starts acting differently. Reading the book felt like I am watching a science fiction movie.
The book is medium paced where we get some glimpses of Joe's past also. Clara's character also grows simultaneously with the plot. For me , The Rift would be an ideal book which I am going to read on a Sunday with a hot cup of Coffee. The ups and downs, Joe's efforts of contacting the other side in hope of uniting with his son was really interesting. What was The Rift? Was Joe's son on the other side with those creatures? All these answers are just waiting inside the pages. Thanks to Netgalley and Flame Tree Press for providing me with an opportunity to read and review the book.
- Recommendation -------------- ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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