The Technical (T)Error | Rohit Ashok Kothari | Science Fiction | Book Review


Book Info

Name of Book : The Technical (T)Error
Author : Rohit Ashok Kothari
Publisher : Notion Press
Publication Date : 9 Oct 2023
No. of Pages : 174
Format : DRC

Why did I choose the book ?

The Technical (T)Error by Rohit Ashok Kothari was offered in exchange of an honest review. And, today is my turn to post for the same.

Where to get the book ?

The Technical (T)Error by Rohit Ashok Kothari is available on Amazon :

Author Introduction

Rohit Kothari, a graduate of MET (Mumbai Educational Trust Institute of Pharmacy), is a businessman by the mind but a writer at heart. The day-to-day evolution of society, the trending stories across the globe, and the beautiful nature inspire him to follow his passion and create a perfect environment for him to write. His writings are simple and easy to connect with the common man’s life. The literature also stimulates a thought process in his readers and encourages them to approach life more optimistically.


The Technical (T)Error is a book that transports you to the new age of technology we live in. It delves into an era where everything is effortlessly available and easily accessible. The book highlights the comfort that progressive programming and day-to-day tech upgrades have brought into our lives. But, on the flip side, it also emphasizes how our excessive reliance on technology has rendered our minds less productive, our hearts devoid of emotions, and the human connections fading with each passing day.
Has this tech-savvy world taken a lot from us as humans? Or is it really the way, as technology suggests, for the betterment of society? Technology has always come with a question mark for me – has it been a curse or a boon to society? The interesting aspect is that, without actively seeking answers, we humans have consistently embraced technological advancements with open arms, often without pondering the potential repercussions.
The book makes us think – whether technology has been correctly used as a tool as it is meant to be, or whether we are posing threats to ourselves through over-dependency, ultimately leading to nothing but termination.
The addiction to technology, often under the guise of making life simple, reaches a point of no return, and, unfortunately, there is no rehab for it. And that’s not all; the additional threats associated with this rapidly evolving technology compel us to reflect on the wisdom of our esteemed predecessors who said, ‘Nothing comes easy, and there are no shortcuts to success.’ Isn’t this contrary to today’s lifestyle, largely due to these tech gizmos?
To think is our right, and we should know what and how much is right.

My Opinion

The Technical (T)Error by Rohit Ashok Kothari is a fast paced science fiction thriller who keeps you on edge with every page. Right from the start the story hooked me up. All the events happening just because of a small device was really clever to think of. Guruji's entry was also unexpected that eventually added spice to the plot. By the time I reached the climax it became a full roller coaster ride of action and adventure. Indeed a well crafted plot with interesting characters. I liked the message given by the author that warns us about the use of gadgets in our life.

For me story's best part was when all the different links came together and the whole plot started vibrating in my head. The book is a perfect one for science fiction beginners. Reading this book was totally an adventurous journey. Definitely, the book deserves 5 stars and a full recommendation.


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