Song of the Sandman | J.F.Dubeau | Horror & Fantasy | Netgalley ARC Book Review | Book 2


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Book Info

Name of the Book : Song of the Sandman
Author :  J.F. Dubeau
Publisher :  Inkshares
Publication Date :  12 Oct 2021
No. of Pages :  400
Format :  Audiobook / Paperback / Audio CD

Why did I chose the book?

The book, Song of the Sandman by J.F. Dubeau was available on request on Netgalley. I liked the cover and description of the book. Also, I have never read any story with a cult, so downloaded it right away.

Where to get the book?

The book, Song of the Sandman is available on Amazon on this link :

Author Introduction

J. F. Dubeau's second book, Song of the Sandman is set to release on 12 Oct 2021. The first book, A God in the Shed was released on June 13, 2017. J.F. Dubeau is a graphic designer with an experience of over 20 years. But he always wanted to pursue writing which finally came in a form of novels. His stories are inspired from H.P. Lovecraft's horror universe.

J.F. Dubeau has also established himself as a War Miniature Painting artist. For his miniatures he has also won several accolades. Follow the author :


After the massacre in Cicero's Circus, everyone thought that the evil has vanished. But, the dark entity was again called upon by its followers, The Sandmen. They are a cult who want to control the entity's powers for their benefit.

But some youngsters who lost their families in the massacre try to eliminate that malevolent and dark entity. Venus tries to fulfill the prophecy, but no one knows where it ends. In this pursuit, many people lost their lives. Penny starts her search for a God who only can defeat this entity.

What was this evil entity? Will Penny and Venus be able to fulfill the prophecy? 

My Opinion

Gory, Brutal and Creepy
Song of the Sandman by J.F. Dubeau is a dark and cult based story. The plot is good with an ancient God and its cult. Although, the story demands a sequel to clear up the plot. I like the book cover, totally symmetrical with the title. To understand the story to full extent, you need to read the first part, The God in the Shed. But still I liked the story and characters. And, I would strongly recommend a sequel as the climax was truly enthralling.

Character Portrayal

The focal point of the book, Song of the Sandman by J.F. Dubeau is the dark and ancient God. No one character is portrayed as a protagonist. But each and every character have shared an equal space in the story. 

The leader of the Sandmen, The Mother is rendered as a mysterious character. She is characterized as a powerful and controlling lady. Other characters like Daniel Crowley, Venus, Abraham and Penny had suffered from the God's wrath but still they stand strong to fight it. I liked the fact that every character has its own strength and weaknesses.

Narrative Style

Although, Song of the Sandman by J.F. Dubeau is the second book in the series, but you can easily read it as a standalone. The language is easy and simple to understand. While reading the book, author has given a fair idea to what happened in the prequel.


  • Recommendation -------------- 5/5
  • Cover ---------------------------- 5/5
  • Characters ---------------------- 5/5
  • Plot ------------------------------ 5/5
  • Climax -------------------------- 5/5
  • Writing Style ------------------- 5/5

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  1. need small edit.

    This is J.F. Dubeau 3rd book. The first one is a scifi thriller/investigation called The life engineered.

  2. Need small edit.
    This is J.F. Dubeau 3rd novel.
    The first one is a scifi thriller/ investigation called The life engineered,


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