Name of Book : Blood and Bombay Black : Back In The Saddle
Author : L. A. Nolan
Publisher : One Point Six Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Publication Date : 21 Jan 2024
No. of Pages : 503
Format : Kindle
An excellently written book
L.A. Nolan spins a thrilling tale of crime, bikes, camaraderie, and lots of love and lust in this book which is in the same series as his blood and brown sugar. It's again about the drug trade between India and Canada but this time Alex Crossman is not in India but in his native land. John is in India though and is being hotly pursued by agent Sandeep Bohla. If you've read the first book you'll know why but even if you haven't there is enough explanation in this one to give you a sense of what's happening and why they are happening. The writing is fast and the description of each scene is given a lot of importance. In all this one is an excellently written book that deserves nothing less than full marks.
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